【Natto Canape】Jay’s Hacco-licious Recipes vol.2


Jay Asanuma is a formally trained chef, certified holistic health coach, and runs an organic fermented foods business in New York. As a long time researcher of fermented (hacco) foods, Jay will share his delicious hacco recipes for you to try at home.

【natto-canape】Jay's Hacco-licious Recipes:haccola Japanese fermented foods and cuisine


・100g Natto
・5leaves of Basil
・Little bit of Jalapeno
・1/4pc Corn
・Salt Pepper for taste
・Some slices of bread
・1tbsp olive oil
・1pc garlic


1: Cook corn in boiling water for 10min.
2: Cut off corn from the stem
3: Mince basil and jalapeno
4: Add all ingredients in a bowl
5: Mix well
6: Mince a garlic and add into oil
7: Sprinkle oil on breads, then toast them to golden brown in color
8: Place natto on the garlic toast

Jay’s note

Instead of using cheese, natto could be nice amuse – bouche to start explore the art of Japanese cuisine. Try with a glass of champagne!

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